• In motion at the road speed
• Without interrupting traffic
• Measurement of luminance and illuminance with state of the art sensors
• Measurement of real energy efficiency according to European Standard EN 13201 and Spanish Standard RD 1980/2008
• Highly accurate GPS positioning
• Automatic identification and inventory of luminaries
• Creation of photometric maps
• Highly accurate measurement of photometric levels (luminance, illuminance, uniformity,...) by means of an instrumented vehicle
• Assessment according to European Standard EN 13201 and Spanish Standard RD 1980/2008
• Public lightning energy audits
• Consultancy and elaboration of improvement plans, prioritizing the actuations according to the cost-effectiveness of the investments
• Simultaneous generation of high quality inventories
• Photometric and energy efficiency maps
• Geo-tagged position of luminaries and control boxes
• Positioning of luminaries, height and relative distancies.
• Lamp type: LED, High Pressure Sodium (HPS), Metal Halide (MH),...
• Photometric levels (luminance and iluminance)
• Visualization software provided with the results
Photometric map visualised with Google Earth (Image ©Google)
• Implementation of monitoring and management systems tailored to the end user needs
• Monitoring and control of energy efficiency
• Periodic reviews of light levels
• Definition of maintenance plans
• Optional service of centralized remote monitoring and management
• Luminaries, lamps and associated equipments assessment
• Lamps and luminaries assessment (according EN 13032-1)
• Luminance and illuminance
• Colorimetric measurements (chromatic coordinates, CRI, colour temperature,...)
Funded by EEA GRANTS programme
• Según esta orden, se valorará con hasta 15 puntos (de 100), la verificación de los resultados finales mediante la ejecución de mediciones fotométricas de las instalaciones ejecutadas a través de vehículos o elementos dinámicos.
• ILLUMETRIC es capaz de realizar este tipo de mediciones según normativa (a 30 cm del terreno según UNE 13201), no siendo válido realizar otro tipo de medidas (como luxómetros en techo o en capó).